Biggest mistakes that wedding guests make
In the course of wedding planning, you may know the ins and outs of wedding etiquette, but some of your friends and family may not be aware of what’s acceptable. What can you do? Be proactive. Here’s how. 1. Not Sending RSVPs What they did: Anyone who’s ever planned a wedding knows the importance of […]

Photography always inspires me. I wish I had a better photographic eye, but I admire those who do! Here’s a website that always provides inspiration. I love kitchens! I thoroughly enjoyed designing our new kitchen and dream of someday doing another one! Here are some inspirations… Nothing says summertime like a comfy summer dress…(this one’s […]

By Aimee Weaver on 2007-07-09
Perfection…I am loving this chair I picked up at a yard sale this weekend. Love the blue, peeling paint, love the orange seat, who says being imperfect isn’t perfection sometimes?!

We spent the weekend doing a quick little tour of Boston and some small towns north of the city. It was a gorgeous weekend and so fun to see genuine New England homes and towns!

Beautiful Colorado
We just got back from a week-long trip to the western slope of the Rockies in Colorado – what a great time of year to be there! We visited friends and some family (my brother, his wife and 2 kids) and did some sightseeing. We traveled around Cimarron, Montrose, Ouray, Delta, and the Grand Mesa. […]

Martha Stewart Wedding Ideas
Leaning on an easel or hanging on a wall, a framed display of eyelet-inspired seating cards is charming (make as many as you need). The cards are cut from card stock and embellished with easy-to-find craft supplies — a rotary cutter with scallop and zigzag blades, and decorative punches. For edging, cut four lengths of […]

A few things…
So my little brother just got engaged! Very exciting! And the wedding is in 4 months! I’m going to be helping to coordinate their wedding, which will be really fun. It’s always a lot of fun and very rewarding to help plan a wedding for family members and friends. It’s cool to be able to […]

More house pictures
So I thought I’d post some pictures of our kitchen. We totally gutted the kitchen about a year ago and it took a few months to finish it, since we did almost all the work ourselves. Here’s what it looked like when we bought the house 1 1/2 years ago. It was under construction for […]

I thought it’d be fun to share pics of some rooms in my house. I love looking inside other people homes and getting ideas for my own. Here are some pics of the hallway/foyer. When we bought the house 1 1/2 years ago, there was a wall closing off the side of the staircase and […]

My baby turns one!
Wow – It’s been a year since hubs and I came home from the hospital with a brand new 6 1/2 lb. baby! We were so clueless!! How do we strap her into the carseat? How do we give her a bath? How often should we feed her? What kind of diaper should we use? […]

Busy, Busy, Busy
So I have had a long day digging, planting, watering and all that good stuff. Last week we tore out all of our old, tired, 50 year old shrubs and now it’s time to put in new stuff! I’m actually very excited about it, although it is a ton of work! So far I’ve planted…-Delphinium […]

Target carries wedding dresses
Who knew? Target unveiled their new line of wedding dresses, designed by Isaac Mizrahi. Check them out: Target Wedding Dress Line There’s also a video you can watch of Isaac showing off his collection. They are actually really pretty, simple dresses. I think they’d be great for an informal wedding, second wedding, or for someone […]

Join Us at the Garden House
We love to host! From workshops and events to mother-daughter outings and more, there is always something special around the corner at White Gables Garden House. Join us for an upcoming workshop or rent the space for your next shower, party or private event.