I’ll play…
I’ve been tagged by Chris at Just Beachy. The game is to come up with a little unknown thing for each letter of your middle name. My middle name is Sue, so this should be short & sweet. S is for SHORTS. Ack! I don’t wear them EVER! Well, unless I’m mowing the yard, but […]

Historic Poole Forge
Last week we went to Poole Forge for the evening. It’s an old historic park with a creek & a covered bridge. It’s actually the site of my brother’s wedding later in September. We walked around the grounds and just enjoyed the beautiful, relaxing evening. Avery loved the horses & buggies that were tied up […]

Baby & Friends
We had our Colorado friends Luke & Julie visiting with us for the past week and a half, and it’s been fun watching their 21 mo. old little guy interacting with Avery. We heard a lot of “Jarrett – don’t sit on baby Avery” and “Jarrett – don’t squish baby Avery”, etc, etc. He’s completely […]

By Aimee Weaver on 2007-08-28
This is the funniest video ever (well, you may need to be an Office fan to appreciate it). Jim as Dwight… Can’t wait till Sept. 27!

Fall Pottery Barn
The new Pottery Barn catalog just arrived (fun, fun!) and I thought I’d post some of my favorites… I love this bed with the storage on the bottom and the red quilt bedding. It looks so cozy & comfy – yet practical!Ok, I am so in love with this porch swing! I would love to […]

I thought it might be fun to share some pics of the trip we took to Europe for our 5th Anniversary (3 years ago). It was an amazing trip – we were blown away by the sights and experiences we had! So, so much fun! We scrimped our savings for a few years and even […]

I’ve been tagged to post 8 things you might not know about me. Huh, where to begin?? 1. I’m an “all or nothing” type of girl. If I know I’m not good at something, I will not even bother to touch it. However, if it’s something I like, I go into it full force, headlong, […]

I thought a lot about color when we bought our house. I wanted our wall colors to reflect the house and it’s character. Our house is a 1920’s American Colonial, so I chose colors that were sort of historical and looked like they belonged. And I’m really happy with how they turned out. The pictures […]

This week I decided to organize my linen closet. As you can see, it’s an old built-in closet, but it works great for storing things! It was a mess, though. Really. Especially the sheets…fitted sheets are such a pain to fold, aren’t they? I can’t seem to master the Martha Stewart technique. Anyway, it was […]

The dress is here!
UPS just dropped off Avery’s flower girl dress and it’s perfect! Now I just need to figure out shoes and hair…

Flower girl
My baby’s going to be a flower girl! And she’s too little to be excited about it so I’ll just be excited for her! She’s going to be in my brother’s wedding in September, along with my 3 year old niece Anna. Here’s the dress… So I’m already starting to have nightmares about this whole […]

Scrapbook pages…
I thought I’d share some pages from the scrapbook of Avery that I’m working on. Of course, it’s been a while since I’ve worked on it…there are just too many other things to do in the summer time! I really love scrapbooking when I’m in the groove and have lots of ideas – I hate […]

Join Us at the Garden House
We love to host! From workshops and events to mother-daughter outings and more, there is always something special around the corner at White Gables Garden House. Join us for an upcoming workshop or rent the space for your next shower, party or private event.