Leaning on an easel or hanging on a wall, a framed display of eyelet-inspired seating cards is charming (make as many as you need). The cards are cut from card stock and embellished with easy-to-find craft supplies — a rotary cutter with scallop and zigzag blades, and decorative punches. For edging, cut four lengths of trim to match foam-board backing plus 1/4 inch; at corners, cut 45-degree angles, and stitch together with 1/8-inch seam allowance. Cover board with cotton faille; tape to back. With fabric glue, secure trim to board at outside edge; slip in frame with glass removed.
With their beautiful ornamentation and lettering, biscuit and tea tins bring old-fashioned charm to a reception table. New or vintage, the containers are inexpensive and easy to find at specialty-food stores, tag sales, and online auctions. Test tins to make sure they’re watertight before filling with single-flower arrangements. If any do leak, use plastic bags as liners.
Basic sugar cookies become elegant favors when stacked to resemble miniature wedding cakes and topped with sugar flowers. Each Sugar-Cookie Cake was spread with royal icing, then assembled once the frosting was set. Small dabs of icing also secure each layer, holding the tower intact but still allowing the cookies to be pulled apart easily. Package in clear plastic boxes, and tie on a hole-punched card-stock tag with ribbon.
*Taken from www.MarthaStewart.com.