This morning I was taking some product photos and snapped some of my favorite little spots around the house. Totally random, but that’s ok.
The entryway. I’m still loving the crates and baskets for the kid’s shoes. It works really well.
My favorite parts of our 1920 house? Arched doorways, glass door knobs, and original wide trim.
Ok, so it’s fall and I should be decorating with pumpkins and branches and all things orange and brown, but I just can’t take down the ocean painting above the fireplace. I’ll just pretend we live in Australia and summertime is almost here. Works for me.
The office/play room that most of the time looks like a tornado just blew through it. Right now it’s actually looking fairly organized. We’ll see how long that lasts.
Still pretending it’s summertime with these daisies that the hubs brought home for me. Love him.
Coziest spot in the house. I LOVE having a window seat in the kitchen.
Mid-morning graham cracker snack. Look at how long her hair is getting. Honestly, I am shocked that she’s never once cut it. Shocked.
Best friends for a moment. They get along pretty well, but definitely have their moments. Right now Violet is 3 and Jack is 4. Love these guys with all my heart.
Have a great day, friends!