I added a few new signs to the shop this week! One of the most fun things for me is to come up with new designs – it just never gets old!

Here are a few new winter signs…
sign baby its cold1

sign let it snow2

I love all things nautical, so this sign is one of my current favs. We found a pile of old gray weathered barn boards, and I was in heaven!

sign we have this hope1

This “Gratitude” sign is perfect for above a doorway…

sign gratitude2

I’ve been working on creating some personalized child name signs, and they are now in the shop! They can personalized with a name meaning or characteristics of the child and a verse.

sign raegan1

sign reed1

And a fun sign, just so you don’t forget to be awesome.sign don't forget to be awesome1

Happy weekend!

Aimee Weaver
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