Hi friends! November is here and will be gone before we know it. In the midst of the busyness of life, I’m so thankful for the changing seasons. A reminder that we aren’t in control. Some seasons are cold and hard and some are sunny and carefree. Let’s embrace all of it and be grateful for what we have been given!
So, I thought I’d share a few custom sign orders that just went out the door. And a REMINDER. If you are thinking about ordering a sign for a loved one for Christmas, don’t delay! My slots are filling up fast. Visit my website for more details on ordering. I’d love to make something special for you!
This week I am busy getting ready for a local show called the Main Street Boutique at Worship Center. If you are local and are interested in coming, here is info:
I would love to meet you! I’ll have lots of ready-made signs to sell and if you place a CUSTOM ORDER at the show, you will receive a 20% discount! Orders taken at the show will be ready in time for Christmas. Woohoo!
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Tuesday was Violet’s third birthday and she was sick with a stomach bug. Booo! Which she nicely passed along to me yesterday. Hubs got take-out for dinner for the second day in a row. Some days you just have to do what you have to do.
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I love Jeanne Oliver’s blog and her business e-courses have been so helpful. Yesterday I watched her interview with Miss Mustard Seed and thought it was so inspirational, particularly if you have a small business in the handmade/creative field. I love learning from these women who are fearless and have so much wisdom.
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My sister-in-law Andrea has me hooked on the new show on NBC called Blacklist. I’ll take a suspense/mystery over a comedy or drama any day of the week. Hubs and I don’t watch many shows together, but when we do our favorite is The Mentalist.
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Is that enough random for you? Want one more? I got bangs a few months ago for the first time ever. And I’m not sure how I feel about them. Some days they look great. And some days they are just whack. I’ve come to the conclusion that if I had bangs in the 80’s, I would have ROCKED THEM. I have that kind of hair. Good for the 80’s. Not so good for 2013. You see what kind of problems I have to deal with? Sheesh.