I have a fun DIY project for you today that's perfect for springtime! I've always had a thing for cloches and making them with chicken wire turned out to be very easy and cute! My friend Brittany helped me with this project.

I started out with a roll of chicken wire from Hobby Lobby and a wire cutter. That's basically all you need to make this project.

I grabbed a canister from the kitchen and used it as my base and wrapped the chicken wire around it to create the right shape.

Then we cut the wire to the correct size and wrapped the ends of the wire together to create the cylinder shape.

We cut the wire at the top of the cloche and squeezed the wire together to close it. We made two cloches out of the wire that we had.

Then it's just a matter of decorating it! We used moss from the craft store and plastic white eggs from Walmart that we stamped.


