I decided to re-do a plain white lampshade in our master bedroom while I was doing a mini-makeover in the room a few weeks ago.
To make the lampshade, I tore out some pages from an old German book that I had setting around. You can find old books so easily at yard sales or Goodwill. I happen to be a collector!
I smeared Mod Podge all over the plain lampshade, stuck pages all over it, and put a coat of Mod Podge on top of the pages to seal it.
Really very simple, and I like the rustic, one-of-a-kind look! I also hot-glued twine around the top to finish it off.
This would also look great using vintage music sheets.
The hubster has been creating an AWESOME laundry chute for me, and I’ve never been so excited about wash before! It was a complicated project though involving making a hole in a concrete floor (the nursery), and creating a cabinet for both the nursery and the laundry room. It’s almost finished, and I’m so excited to use it!
Oh, the little things that make me happy! Happy Weekend!