Just a little over 3 weeks left until D-Day! I’m trying to cram in everything I can till then – shopping, cleaning, organizing, projects. I’m acting like my life will end when the babe gets here!
I guess normal life will end for a while though, so until then, I have loads of stuff I’d like to get done. Typical nester!
Here is my WIWW post – linking up to the Pleated Poppy…
Yellow Cardi: H&M
Jeans: Ann Taylor Loft from yardsale
Shoes: Walmart

Khaki Jacket: J. Crew from clothing swap party
Skirt: H&M from Goodwill

Black Tank: Target
Yellow Shirt: Goodwill
Jeans: Ann Taylor Loft from yardsale
Shoes: Ross
Gray Scarf: Goodwill