The other day I overheard Avery telling Violet “You are my best friend forever!”. And my heart totally melted.
We are all just so in love with our little Violet! She’s a week old now and has been a really easy, content baby. She’s a champion eater and excels in 4 things: Sleeping, Eating, Peeing, and Pooping! Oh, and being cute!
I’m getting a decent amount of sleep and have recovered so well from the c-section. I feel like I’m almost back to normal physically, although I have to keep myself from trying to do too much.
Yesterday was my first solo day with all three kids and let’s just say, we were ready for daddy to come home! I think Jack has an inner radar that tells him to be naughty when I’m feeding the baby and can’t do anything about it. But for the most part, the kids are adjusting really well to the changes around here.
Thank you so much for all your encouraging comments and emails! Seriously, this blogging community is just so cool! Thanks for taking the time to visit my little world!