We brought Violet home from the hospital last night and it felt GREAT to have our family back again!! She is doing really well – just has a little cough occasionally.
And my life has quickly returned to the chaotic normal that it is. This morning I’m making granola in the kitchen, Violet starts to cry in the family room, Jack is begging me to hold him and yells “BIE – LET, be QUIEEEET!” and Avery is singing along to a movie she’s watching.
Yes, this is my life and I love it (most of the time). Jack has turned into a comedian since we got home. A very funny and very naughty comedian. This morning he has already smashed a window in one of our French doors with a tool set that he got for Christmas from his aunt (thanks a lot Andrea!).
And then he yells at the top of his lungs “AW, MAN!!”. His favorite phrase. Sometimes it is so hard for me to keep a straight face when I’m disciplining him. He’s just a crack-up.
And of course Violet continues to charm us with her easy smiles! This was her last day at the hospital, smiling for Daddy…
Thank you again for all your support and kind words as we’ve gone through this experience with her. We are so incredibly thankful for the support we’ve received and that our family is together again!!