Today I will enjoy the beautiful fresh snow.
I will be patient with the children when they misbehave.
I will spend quality time with the kids.
I will take it easy so I’m not completely worn out when hubs comes home from work.
I will not worry about having a perfectly clean & organized house. Because at this stage in the game, it just ain’t gonna happen.
I will make sure my kids know that I love them.
Aaaaand, I will teach Avery how to call the mental hospital, just in case I go insane. Cuz I sorta feel like I might.
So, you know me. I’ve been working on a few side projects, just because it makes me feel sane and it’s just how I roll.
Recently I made the three canvases on the wall behind the chair – I used words that I want our home to reflect “peace”, “rest”, and “joy”.
It was really simple – I just painted the words onto blank canvases. And there you have it.
The pillar was left in our garage by previous owners. Hubs had it in his trailer and was planning on taking it to the dumpster before I spied it and saved it from the junk yard. He wasn’t sure why in the world I would want to keep it, but I think now he’s glad I did!
It’s a cool architectural piece. And I didn’t even paint it! I know, can you believe it??