Back in the day (pre-having a serious business) I used to document things I wore, and, although I cringed every single time I hit the “publish” button, it was fun to join in with other bloggers to post on “What I Wore Wednesdays”. And here I am once again. And I’m still cringing.
I don’t have nearly as much time for thrifting as I used to (SO sad), so I haven’t been wearing as many second-hand things lately. Right now Target clearance is my best friend. Can I get an Amen? And I’m leaning toward bright and cheerful colors to get over the winter grays.
Above outfit: Pink button-down: Target clearance; T-shirt: Old Navy; Jeans: Target clearance; Shoes: Kohl’s; Necklace: Homemade (see tutorial here) Above outfit: Striped shirt: Old Navy; Cardi: H&M; Jeans: Target clearance; Boots: Plato’s Closet consignment
So there you have it. Most days I am looking not-so-cute with my painting apron, old jeans, and a t shirt, but I do like putting effort into what I look like when I leave the house, which hasn’t been very much this winter. Hello snow and FAAAREEEZING temps. Happy Wednesday friends! Stay warm!