There are a few homemade things that I make on a regular basis like this laundry detergent and these granola bites. And I’ve just added something new to my list. This amazing homemade yogurt that was shared by my queen-of-the-kitchen friend Wanda.
Our family goes through yogurt like it’s nobody’s business, and when Wanda suggested making my own, I thought it would be way too hard. But I tried it. And it is EASY. And much healthier than most of the store-bought kind.
Basically, you put a gallon of whole milk in a stock pot with a bit of sugar and bring it up to 180 degrees.
When it reaches the correct temp, add some unflavored gelatin that has been mixed with water, and cool the milk to 120 degrees.
Add some yogurt (can be store bought or use leftover homemade yogurt) and a bit more sugar to the milk mixture, let it set in a warm oven for 10 hours, then refrigerate. And, what do you know, you have yogurt.
Here is the complete recipe:

We love eating our yogurt with fresh fruit or granola. Enjoy!