Are you one of those people who puts something on your walls and keeps it up for ten years? If you are, then I am the opposite of you.
I wrote about the oversized diary artwork a few weeks ago and have already changed up the wall in my family room. What is my problem? It’s like I don’t have anything else to do.
But really, when someone gives you a map of France as a gift, you are going to find a place to hang it in the most prominent spot in your house BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT SO MUCH. Or is it just me?
I’m not sure what it is about maps that gets me all excited. I just love them. It reminds me of travel, adventure, memories and possibilities.
My sister-in-law Heather gave me this map for Christmas, and it’s from World Market. I tried to find it online, but it wasn’t available. Maybe it’s still available in their stores though?
It’s the weekend! I hope wherever you are is warmer than where I am. It’s currently a balmy 5 degrees. For the love.