We are in the midst of a deep freeze and I am dreaming (DREAMING, I tell you) of warmer days and bare feet and green grass. It’s been so long that it almost seems impossible. I saw a picture of someone in Maui on Instagram and I’m all, how it is possible that somewhere in the world it is WARM, and they are wearing swimsuits. I mean. Meanwhile, I am bundled up with layers + blankets + children and I’m STILL cold.
Ok, rant over.
I went fabric shopping last week and remembered how much I love it. It is seriously inspiring. All the colors and patterns. LOVE. I bought some boring white fabric to make some pillows for the bedroom that I’m planning on embellishing with gold metallic fabric paint. It sounds cool. Hopefully it will turn out the way I’m picturing it in my head.
This weekend I baked a pretty awesome cake. I am a chocolate girl all the way, and this was perfection. Find the recipe here. Want to see more recipes that I’ve tried and loved? Follow my Pinterest board.
I baked the cake for a wine and cheese party thrown by some friends. The spread was heavenly and tasted amazing.
I’ve been nesting like crazy, which means the house is getting ORGANIZED. I tore the studio apart last week and put it back together (my favorite thing to do), and got rid of a bunch of things in the attic. It doesn’t look quite as scary up there anymore.
We are still likely going to be traveling to China in April to bring our little boy home, but we won’t find out exact dates for a few more weeks when we get our travel invitation from China. This mama is getting antsy. It will be so nice when we know the dates and have a more definite timeline! Until then, we are getting prepared and praying hard for our sweet little guy!