This past weekend we spent four glorious days with extended family in Ohio. My cousin's son got married on Saturday, so it was a great excuse for my entire family (parents, brothers, sister and their spouses and kids) to visit and spend time together.

The kids spent lots of time outside fishing and catching frogs. My nephew Luke was so proud of the ones he caught. ps. frogs are so gross.


Jack did what seven year old boys do and pulled his front tooth out at the wedding.

We had a really wonderful, relaxing time! We came home to the fruit trees exploding with peaches, apples, and pears.

They won't be ready until August, but it has been so much fun watching things grow on our new little farm! We got chickens a few weeks ago and have been really enjoying the eggs. Next up may be a goat or sheep. We are taking things slowly!
Here are some links for your weekend...
I was so inspired by this video about the artist Melissa McCracken.

"What my mother taught me" by Shauna Niequist

Comedians in cars getting coffee started it's new season! I don't know what it is about this show and Jerry Seinfeld, but I just love it and think you will too.
Have a great weekend friends!