My kiddos are no longer in the infant/toddler stage of life, but today I thought I'd share some tips on how to change up their rooms a bit to fit their preferences and needs as they get older. When I'm thinking about a space, I try to envision what will be appropriate for the next few years so that it doesn't all have to be changed. Of course, it's always fun to add a few things here and there!

The Bed: When my kids grew out of their crib, I took the sides off this vintage crib that I had in storage and it became a day bed that they slept in until they were old enough for a big bed. This was a great solution for us! It was low to the ground and wasn't too big for them.

Rugs: A fun rug can make such a big difference in a space, including a nursery. You can change the color scheme or use a rug that is more suitable for an older child as they grow.

Display Shelves: As kids get older, they create more things that they like to display and become more aware of what they like. It's fun to have a set of shelves to put their special creations on.

Storage Baskets: I don't know about you, but my kids always seem to have a million little blankets and stuffed animals that they loved. Instead of tossing them, I kept them in cute baskets like the photo above.

Wallpaper: Graphic wallpaper is all the rage right now, and I am in love! Be sure to choose something that isn't too baby-ish so that it grows with your child.

Seating: A rocker is of course a necessity with infants, but think outside of the box for seating for the kiddos as they grow. This hanging swing chair is perfect!


Artwork & Accessories: This is an easy way to change up a room and add pops of color and whimsy. It can show off the child's personality and interests, and you can incorporate their favorite colors and animals.
For more inspiration, check out my Pinterest board for many more ideas! Also be sure to visit Havenly for loads of inspiration and ideas on nursery spaces!