The weather is FINALLY starting to warm up, and I'm itching to get out in my flower beds and start digging! We live on a few acres with a small greenhouse and lots of places for pretty flowers and vegetable gardens. It takes a lot of work, but working outside on a summer night is like therapy to me.
Here are some ideas that I'd like to incorporate this year...
:: Trellis With Ivy. I fell in love with this DIY, and I'd like to try it against the back of our house. We have a white stucco exterior, and I think it would look so pretty!
:: Potting Table. I'd love to put a potting table outside of my little greenhouse. I'm hoping to find one at a barn sale or garage sale this year.
:: Walking Paths. I'd like to create several walking paths in the backyard using flat rocks that we already have and creeping plants and moss.
:: DIY Branch Trellis. I may try this sweet DIY against the greenhouse walls. I'm obsessed with climbing ivy right now, and this would be a great way to incorporate it. My kids might even be able to make this for me.
:: Window Boxes. My dad made us wood window boxes last year for the front of our house, and I'm gathering ideas for the type of flowers to use in them. Last year I overcrowded them, and they didn't do well. I'm determined to do better this year.
:: Climbing Roses. I have three climbing roses, and I think I'm going to plant a few more this year. We have a lot of fences around our property, and they look so pretty climbing over them! They have been pretty easy for me to grow and don't require a lot of maintenance, which I love.
:: Outdoor String Lights. Lighting creates so much ambiance on a summer night, and I'd like to incorporate them much more than I have in the past.