I don’t normally put much personal stuff on here, but I thought I’d let you know how I was doing. Thanks so much for all your encouragements and kind words. We are so blessed with a wonderful group of family and friends who are taking such good care of us.
I’m doing well physically. I’m battling severe headaches (which I rarely get), but other than that, I’m feeling almost back to normal.
Emotionally is a different story! I went through a miscarriage a few years ago (before Avery) but in that situation, I was only 6 weeks along and it wasn’t nearly as painful. I would have never guessed that it would be so hard. But I know that every day will get easier.
The hardest parts are just the random things that remind me that our lives have changed. Like seeing my maternity clothes all cleaned and ready to go. And seeing Avery’s “Big Sister” t-shirt in her drawer (that’s how we told my parents that we were expecting). And not having my baby bump anymore (this was one of the first signs that something was wrong – my bump was gone).
Today, for the first time, Avery tried to tell me “I love you”. What more could I ask for?
I am blessed.