The January ’08 issue of Real Simple had an article listing products or things that, according to them, don’t ever disappoint.
So I thought I’d make my own list, just because I feel like it (and I might be slightly bored)…
Here goes!! (in no particular order and please pardon the randomness)
1. Favorite Cleaning Product – Spray N’ Wash Dual Action
This stuff get out almost anything! I haven’t found a stain yet that it hasn’t removed. It even removed a 2 year old blood stain on a pair of pants! Awesome stuff!
2. Favorite Shoes – My Clarks Privo sneakers
Super comfy and stylish – love the pink & brown. My shoes are similar to these guys…
3. Favorite Christmas CD – At the moment it’s Sarah Mclachlan’s “Wintersong”
My friend Rachel turned me on to this CD and I’ve been listening to it a lot over the past few days. It’s very soulful and beautiful!
4. Favorite Book(s) – Anything by Ted Dekker. This guy know how to write! His novels and mostly suspense, thriller, mystery-type books that keep you on the edge of your seat!
Another one of my very favorite books is “Peace Like A River” by Leif Enger. I love his writing style and read this book over and over!
5. Favorite Movie(s) – “My Fair Lady”
I love any movie with Audrey Hepburn, but this is my favorite.
6. Favorite Piece of Furniture in my House – my $25 yard sale comfy chair!
Hubs was not thrilled when I came home, filled with excitement, and begged him for the chair. Finally he relented, and I drove back to the yard sale, holding my breath, hoping that someone else didn’t snatch it up. And it it was my lucky day!
7. Favorite Baby Product – BumGenius All-In-One Cloth Diapers
I would have never in a million years thought that I would ever use cloth diapers. I mean, disposables are so handy, right? Well, I started doing research on cloth when Avery was about 9 months old and decided that I was sick of constantly running to the store to buy more diapers. Besides being very easy to wash and dry, the cloth diapers are environmentally-friendly and have saved us a lot of $. I wouldn’t use them if they weren’t super-easy to live with!
8. Favorite Household Tip – Homemade Febreze
While I love the real thing, I’ve found that Febreze Fabric Freshener is expensive and a bottle doesn’t last very long. So I found a recipe for making my own and it couldn’t be more simple – just mix 2 cups water and 1 cup fabric softener. I spray it on everything!
That’s it for now folks!