Here’s another installment of Oprah’s advice on fashion. As you can see, I don’t really focus on her shows on medical mysteries, politics, finances, relationships, whatever. Nah, I stick to the REALLY important subjects like CLOTHES, or maybe some CELEBRITIES, or the always lovable NATE and his serious decorating skills.
Her show today was on schlumpadink moms who need some help in the fashion department. (um, yeah, I watched this show as I laid on the couch wearing pjs that I still having changed out of and it 6:30pm. I guess I could use the help too…hey, I’m sure I’m not the only one out there!)
So, here goes…
AFTER: (my favorite makeover – I thought she looked so cute and fresh)



AFTER: (I’m loving that short-sleeved tunic with the drawstring-so cute!)

BEFORE: (please tell me no one else out there wears overalls anymore!)