So I don’t have a whole lot to say, so I’ll just say a whole lot of nothing…
1. Time for the winter wreath to GO!! Am I pathetic or what? I still have my Christmasy/wintery wreath up on the front door, but since I don’t have anything to replace it, I just never bothered to take it down. Until now. Finally.
And joke’s on me – a robin just started building a nest on it. Robins + Christmas wreaths = lazy decorator.
2. Isn’t Springtime so EXCITING! I just planted some herbs to put in the kitchen windowsill. Cross your fingers that we’ll have some yummy herbs to eat before they get dumped by the little hands of a toddler…
3. New shelf from Ross (our favorite!) for the bathroom. It was banged up, the paint was peeling, and I got it for 3 bucks in the clearance aisle. I just painted it and distressed it a little and it’s good as new.
4. If you said “uh-oh”, you are correct. It is the dreaded little potty. And it looks like it may be time to start the training (anyone want to take my place?).
And it’s time to say good night, so I’ll let Avery blow the kisses for me…