Well, we’ve almost reached the 2 week mile marker! And I must say, because of all the hustle and bustle with the holidays, time is going pretty fast, all things considering.
What is it with pregnancy that puts women in a ferocious cleaning mode??? I mustered up enough energy this week to do a bunch of cleaning that I don’t normally get done very often…like cleaning out the fridge (threw away salad dressing from 2001 – I know, I’m horrible at cleaning out the fridge), cleaning the washer & dryer, the stove, the dishwasher, the kitchen cabinets, and even the dreaded and very disgusting recycling bin.
Yes, I’ve been scrubbing away and now I’m TIRED and trying to keep my girl entertained!
Oh, and I must tell you about my bed. To sleep somewhat comfortably, I surround myself with five different pillows and am literally wedged in between all of them. Hubs has been sleeping on the couch for the last several nights – need I say more?
I’m getting excited about having a new wardrobe after the baby comes! Well, not really new, but at least the clothes won’t all be HUGE! I’m at the point where most of my maternity clothes aren’t fitting anymore and I’m down to, like, three outfits.
My saving grace has been a belly band that I bought at Motherhood Maternity. Here’s what it looks like…I haven’t ever found a pair of maternity pants that fit me comfortably – they always feel like they are falling off. So I’ve been wearing my normal jeans and pants with this belly band and it works great! It covers the area of the pants that I can’t button anymore and it ensures that my belly isn’t sticking out underneath my shirts. Love it!
Anyway, I’m rambling, but I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your families! We are looking forward to spending time with my brother Matt and his wife and kids – it’s been over a year!
Merry Christmas!!