Last week hubs surprised me and took me for some fun in the sun in Florida for our 10th anniversary! And what a great time we had!
Little Jack came along and enjoyed the ride while his big sis stayed home and had way too much fun with her Grammys and cousins!
We bounced between the beach and the pool and did little else! Typically when we go on vacation, it’s not really a “vacation” because we fly around from place to place, trying to see and do everything. We’re just like that.
But not this time. No way! Relaxation was the goal and we totally achieved it!
We stayed at hub’s sister & brother-in-law’s beautiful vacation home in Sarasota. It was so lovely – we couldn’t have asked for nicer accommodations!
And it was fun to spend some one-on-one time with our cute little guy…
I do believe it was one of the best vacations we’ve taken! And now I feel refreshed and ready to start a new week! Happy day!