This is the latest installment of “What you get when you dig through the bins at Goodwill”. I know, some people probably think I’m pathetic, but to tell you the truth, I just don’t care! Finding bargains is my idea of a good time!
Here we go!
Giant wall clock. I’ve since painted the frame black with a crackle finish, because gold just isn’t my thing.
These striped chair cushions were exactly what I was looking for and they had 4 of them for $1 a piece!
Cute white tray with little adjustable legs for breakfast in bed.
Random little lantern I picked up. It’s sitting on Goodwill plates. Canisters are GW too.
I found this wall shelf/book holder that I put next to my office door. I put the number 3 on it just because I love lettering.
Was so excited when I found these Pottery Barn Sausalito plates! They normally cost $48 for 4 and I got all 8 for $3.97! Score!!
Fun little blocks.
And I couldn’t resist this pillow with the buttons.
No, I didn’t pick him up at Goodwill, silly! I just included him because I love his smile and I think he’s better than the best bargain in the world!