Fall is fast approaching in our neck of the woods, and I am ready! Even though summer is by far my most favorite time of the year (the warm sunshine just makes me happy!), I am still excited for the changing of the seasons. The sweaters, campfires, yellow leaves, and all that good stuff!
I’m also looking forward to less outdoor work (mowing the yard, watering the flowers) and having an excuse to stay inside and snuggle with my little kidlets. My job will also be slowing down, which will be wonderful! I will once again know the meaning of “free time”! Yay!!
My little guy LOVES to bounce around on his jumpy seat and today he officially turns 9 months old! How can time possibly be going to fast??!!
He is such an absolute JOY – I can’t even tell you! I could just eat him up. He and Avery love to play together and I love it when she makes him giggle. So stinking cute!! I love all the different stages they go through as they are growing up, and I’m trying to enjoy every minute of it!
Two curly-haired cuties – Avery with her friend Olivia going for a train ride on the Strasburg Railroad. She is obsessed with trains right now, so she soaked in the experience! So fun!
And heading to the New Holland fair with her best bud – her cousin Libby. They had so much fun watching the parade and dancing to the marching bands that went past us!
Today after lunch Avery declared, “Mommy, you are cute and beautiful!”. Yes, I am training her to tell me this every day. Then I feed her candy. Lots and lots of candy.
Kids just have a way of not letting you take life too seriously. And they make me laugh every single day! And cry sometimes too, don’t get me wrong. No matter how challenging the days sometimes can be, I am constantly blown away by how much they bless me!