I’ve been having fun with some little projects around these parts but you’ll have to wait a couple of days to see the results!
The weather is unbelieveably gorgeous today filled with hanging clothing out on the line, cleaning up the messy house from the weekend, working on my “real” job, and helping (ie. watching) the hubs work on the ongoing (taking waaaaaaay too long!!) nursery project.
It is just.about.finished.
And I am just about peeing myself with excitement! I cannot even tell you. I thought the day would never come.
Hopefully it will be completely done in about two weeks (oh, how I love to give myself deadlines….and get totally stressed out when it doesn’t happen according to my neat little plans! HA! So ME!) and then I will unveil the finished room!!
Today I am working on this little number. Even though I should be doing other things. And totally don’t have the time.
But, whatever, I was craving some creative time and just went for it!
Isn’t it perfectly ugly?! Will show you the “after” tomorrow!