Thank you so much to Layla at The Lettered Cottage and Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for featuring my nursery makeover on their blogs!
I am beyond flattered and excited that so many people love the space like I do!
I thought I’d answer some questions that a few readers had about the room…
Q. I love the beadboard ceiling too! Did you use beaboard sheets or individual bead boards? -Lisa
A. We used 4×8 sheets of beadboard for the ceiling.
Q. I have been wanting to paint a tree in my sons nursery for a while now and have been unsure of how to do it. Did you just free hand it with a pencil and then fill it in with paint? -Amy
A. I sketched the tree onto the wall with pencil, then painted it with acrylic craft paint. The other wording actually isn’t vinyl wall lettering. I printed out the wording onto paper, then traced it onto the wall with carbon paper and painted it using the same type of acrylic craft paint. This is my favorite method for putting wording on the wall, because it’s fairly easy and doesn’t cost a cent!
Q. And I am so very impressed with your painting skills! I was going to ask if it was Uppercase Living. . . is the tree branch on the bench and the name from UL? -Melissa
A. The painting on the bench is something I just sketched out and painted myself. I did get the idea for the branch and bird from an Uppercase Living catalog though!
Q. I got a decal from Leen the graphics queen with a tree branch and birds and was thinking to myself if i could only find something that has those exact words–His eye is on the sparrow…..May i hire u to come paint them for me??: ) -Lena
A. Yes, I would love to come paint it for you! Seriously, if you’re local and need help with some painting, just email me at
Q. Did you use tree branches for curtain rods or did you buy them. If so, please, please tell us where. Thanks! -Wabbit
A. The tree branches are literally from the tree in our front yard! I just picked out ones that were as straight as possible and cut them down to size. I probably should have sprayed them with a sealer because they tend to shed bark and dirt when I have to move the curtains, but so far I’ve been too lazy!
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Thanks again everyone for your sweet comments about the nursery! I’m blown away by the responses I’ve gotten about the tiny little room! You guys are the best and such an encouragement!
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend! Ours will be spent at bbq’s with friends, strawberry picking, yard sales, and picnics with family! Sounds like a fun time to me!