I just read the most hysterical post about Yardsaling 101 at Twig’s blog. If you are a yard-saler (is that even a word), I think you will appreciate it too!
Today I should be taking the kids to the park or the library, or playing with them outside on the swing set.
Instead, I am downstairs in my dungeon furiously painting away on a little project that I am so excited about!
I’m working on an old cabinet that my mom found at Goodwill, and it’s turning out perfectly! Can’t wait to show you!
Meanwhile, if you come to my house today, you may find that the kids have rearranged my kitchen cabinets, or hitched a ride with the garbage truck, or are sitting on the roof sneaking a smoke.
Oh, you know I kid.
Anyway, this week I painted this sign that was ordered by my close friend Mary, and I put an
extra one in my Etsy shop, in case you are interested in having one for yourself. I think the quote is so sweet!
Happy Friday!