Cuz sometimes a creative distraction is just plain necessary when living in a house with a newborn, an almost-2 year old, and a 4 year old!
I had dragged this old rocking chair home from an antiques mall in Ohio a few months ago. There was something about it that I loved despite the fact that the seat is broken. Plus it was only $8.
Here is the before…
And here’s what it looks like after several coats of white primer and paint…
Right now it’s in Avery’s bedroom. Eventually I want to repair the seat, but for now it works!
Things have been a little rough around our house lately. Last week the flu hit us hard, making Jack, Avery, and I sick almost all at the same time. Sleepless nights and being cooped up has made us all a bit cranky and rough around the edges. Thankfully, baby Violet and hubs steered clear of the flu.
So the babe is now 2 and a half weeks old. And is still just the sweetest thing. Although sometimes I long for a full nights sleep!! It seems like a distant memory! Very, very distant!
Looking quite serious…