Today, as I sit by Violet’s hospital bed and hear the hum of machines, the beeping of alarms, the quiet conversations between nurses, I feel so very grateful…
Grateful for the wonderful medical care that we have been blessed with. I often wonder what would have happened to Violet 100 years ago when they didn’t have the technology that we have today.
Grateful that Violet’s condition isn’t long-term or severe, like so many of the other babies that I’m seeing in the intensive care unit. Even though the past week has been rough, there are many other people going through much, much worse situations.
Grateful for my family who are taking such good care of my other babies at home.
Grateful for friends and family who are taking the time to visit us. It’s so nice to see familiar faces in the midst of doctors, nurses, and lots and lots of sick people.
Grateful for the Ronald McDonald House where we can get a good night’s sleep. The people who volunteer there are so sweet and helpful. And I don’t think I’ve ever slept as good as I did last night! And that’s not an exaggeration! It was heavenly!
Grateful that God has been faithful to give us grace and strength to get through each day. I feel His presence, and He has filled me with peace like only He can do.

Grateful for YOU for reading my little blog and for the many caring comments I’ve received from the readers. You have been such an encouragement to me over the past few days!
Thank you!