I was in the mood to do some “creative-type” sewing projects and decided to make some tie shirts for Jack. Just because I have so much time on my hands. Yeeeeeeah riiiight.
I found the basic white and black long-sleeve t-shirts on clearance at Target. I used the same method for attaching the tie fabric as I used when I made the monogram shirts.
I didn’t really have a pattern that I used for the tie. I’m a complete wing-it-type of girl, so I don’t like to follow patterns or instructions. Sometimes it’s a good thing and sometimes it’s a very bad thing.
Luckily, this time it worked out. I cut out the shape of the tie and used iron-on fabric webbing to attach the fabric to the t-shirts. Then I stitched around the tie using my sewing machine.
Because he’s a boy and likes to show off his six-pack…
I had to bribe him with fruit snacks and Smarties to take the pictures, so that’s why he is eating in every photo. He could literally eat ALL.DAY.LONG and he would be the happiest kid on the planet.
Big sister wanted a piece of the action.
And don’t forget to sign up for the Ellie Oh’s giveaway! It ends at the end of the day today!
Happy Weekend friends!