So, like I said earlier, I cleaned out my closet last weekend. Actually, ALL of our closets. Man, that is quite a job! I can’t imagine how you ladies who have more than 3 kiddos manage to organize your kids’ clothes! The kids outgrow their clothes so fast, it’s hard to keep up sometimes.
Any organization tips you’d like to share with this mama?? It would be appreciated!
Anyway, moving on to this latest sewing project. I decided to keep some of my clothing that I didn’t want any more and turn them into clothing for the girls.
I started with this striped shirt. It was cute but too boxy for me. The fabric was a cotton t-shirt material.
I cut the shirt straight across just under the arm pits.
Then I followed Made’s Tuturial for a simple skirt. Basically, I just sewed elastic onto the top of the skirt and that was it. I didn’t even need to hem the bottom of the skirt, since it was already done for me.
To make the heart embellishment for the skirt, I cut out strips of the t-shirt fabric (about 3/4″ wide), then sewed a stitch down the middle and pulled the thread tight to create a long ruffle. I pinned the ruffles onto the skirt into a heart shape, then sewed the ruffle onto the skirt.
I hope that makes sense. It was really very easy.