Wow, it was a harsh reality coming home from sunny, warm Florida to a frigid and windy 24 degrees in Pennsylvania!
But as much as we treasured our time away, just the two of us, it is really good to be home munching on my little ones, and getting back to the normal routine.
Although at one point last night when we came home, all the kids were crying at the same time for different reasons, things needed to be unpacked….well, I sorta just wanted to get on a plane right back to Florida.
Anyway, here are some photos from our long weekend.
We stayed in Sarasota close to Siesta Beach in this gorgeous place (my brother-in-law and sister-in-law’s vacation house):
The pool by the house. The blue skies and warm sunshine was so amazing!
We fit some shopping into our time. And we hit one of my favorite places…
In case you aren’t familiar with Plato’s Closet, it’s a chain of consignment stores all over the country that sells trendy used clothes geared toward younger people. The closest one in my area is in Exton, Pa.
I found this cute ruffly jacket. Totally didn’t need it, but it was too cute to pass up! You know how it is.
Husband is a ginormous Baltimore Orioles fan, so we visited their spring training stadium which was close by. It was a beautiful place.
Someone left a door open in the outfield, so we were able to sneak in. Hubs ran the bases, checked out the dugout, and had a HUGE smile on his face the whole time! He totally turned into a 10 year old boy when he stepped onto the field!
Then we did some house hunting for a vacation home for ourselves. But nothing was quite large or fancy enough to suit us.
Here’s my favorite. But it only has 6 bedrooms, and we need at least 10. You know, for all our kids and the staff.
This one wasn’t quite palatial enough. Our house would need to have at least 5 turrets and 20 balconies.
As you can tell, we would fit right in with this neighborhood. With the gates and the luxury cars, it fits us so well.
And it would be a must to have a house right on the water with a dock for our yacht. That is a necessity.
Maybe the next time we go, we’ll find the perfect home. And we’ll invite you to come stay with us! I promise!
Happy back-to-reality Monday!!