So I’ve recently been fluffing the family room a bit and thought I’d show you what my mantle looks like right now.
It’s pretty simple really – mostly white (which I love) and I added a bit of color with the branches.
The branches were a lot of fun to make. I just cut down a branch from a tree outside and spray painted it white.
Then I made the flowers out of napkins following this tutorial. It really is the simplest tutorial and requires only tissue paper or napkins, tape, and hot glue.
I printed out this verse from Hebrews which I had pinned here, and framed it in a simple white frame with a white matte.
I found the clear and green glass light covers (at least I think that’s what they are) at a barn sale.
So, that’s what it looks like right now, but it will probably change soon. I think I might have ADD.
Please tell me I’m not the only one who is constantly changing things around.