So, I haven’t been around here much lately. I’ve been feeling, well, just kinda BLANK with not a lot to say.
What have I been up to? I’ve been doing a lot of painting (as always). And I’m attempting to get Jack potty-trained. HA. On the first day I caught him standing on top of the kitchen table smack dab in the middle of a huge puddle. ON THE KITCHEN TABLE. What on earth?? I have no words.
Anyway, I’m sure you don’t want to hear my potty training stories (and I do have plenty with this boy), so here are some “what I wore” pics from the past week.
Striped dress: Goodwill (Old Navy)
Yellow cardi: H&M
Boots: Goodwill (Target)
Flower pin: made by me
Black dress: Target
Belt: Goodwill
Jeans: Kmart
Shoes: Goodwill
Jack wanted to get in on the action. LOVE that little boy even if he does drive me nuts sometimes.
Hope you are having a great fantastic week friends!