Hello beautiful big-girl camera that I’m finally starting to use after having it for a few weeks. I was intimidated to try it out for some reason, but now I’m officially addicted. It’s a Nikon D3100 and so far, I love it.
Hello amazing Spring weather. You are my hero.
Hello little girls who are determined, feisty, and stubborn.
I’m convinced she gets it from her father. Her father does not agree.
Hello playing outside in the sunshine and getting dirty and having a blast. I. Love. It.
Hello tiny little veggie garden that I planted this weekend. It is probably the smallest garden you’ve ever seen. I’m not even kidding. I planted tomatoes, a variety of lettuce, onions, chives, dill, basil, and parsley.
Hello brand new week full of possibilities!
I’m linking up and saying hello with Lisa Leonard today. What are you saying hello to?