:: Went on a fun date with the hubster and one of our bestie couples to the Olive Garden. Even though it’s not very original, it never disappoints. Hot, garlicky bread sticks anyone? I won’t tell you how many I ate. Truthfully, I lost count.
:: Found some treasures while yard saling early Saturday morning. Oh, yes, and I had the breakfast of champions ~ 2 homemade egg rolls. So insanely delish.
:: Speaking of eating, we polished off a loaf of homemade bread and a tub of Amish peanut butter spread that I bought at an Amish yard sale. Oh my word, I think I gained at least 5 pounds this weekend.
:: Took care of Avery who got a bad stomach bug and was sick from Friday to Sunday night. The poor girl was so out of it all weekend. Lots of laundry and cleaning to keep up with the after-effects of the bug. Crossing our fingers that she didn’t pass it along to the rest of the family.
:: Saturday was such a gorgeous day! While Avery laid on the couch inside, the rest of us were outside digging in the flower beds, planting flowers, mowing the yard, and getting dirty. It was a taste of summer-to-come, and I am READY!!