Happy Monday friends!
What a beautiful, sunny weekend we had! All of my flowers are now planted, and that is a good feeling!
I’m joining Lisa Leonard for some “Hello Mondays” this morning…
Hello birthday girl! We now have a six year old in the house! Her birthday was on Saturday, and we celebrated last week with some family and a little party at my parents’ house.
What did she want for her birthday? Office and crafting supplies. She is a girl after my own heart. So she got a stapler, tape (she was most excited about the fun duct tape she got), construction paper, scissors, sticky notes, drawing paper, and some other fun crafty stuff.
Hello slide! You are now officially conquered by a certain 18 month old. She was obsessed with it this weekend.
Hello fun birthday party for my dear friend Sheila!! She’s been one of my closest friends for years, and we pretty much know everything about each other. The good, the bad, and the ugly! (for real) She’s been an amazing friend, and I’m so thankful to have her in my life!
Hello new “Love” sign that I just listed in the shop. This barn door is incredible and makes my heart go pitter patter. (I’m strange, I know)
Lots of painting in store for the week! Also some fun stuff like a tea party with my sister-in-laws and maybe some projects that I’ve been putting off for way too long.
Hope you all have a great week!