Happy Monday my friends! The weekend was filled with 90 degree days, suppers with friends, time spent with family, and July 4th partying!
I would say that summer has officially started!
Hello having organized paints! LOVE this metal storage rack that I picked up at a barn sale recently for $5. I spraypainted it black, and it’s good as new. (yes, I use tons of paint)
Hello huge beat up map found in a trash pile along the side of the road. Yes, I think I will stop the car in the middle of traffic and PICK YOU UP! Call me crazy, but I’m sorta obsessed with old maps. So if you have any old maps you were thinking about throwing away, GIVE THEM TO ME. I will give them a good home. Promise.
Hello adorable little drink caddy that I couldn’t resist picking up for 50% off. I NEEDED it. (husband is rolling his eyes)
Hello PERFECT swimming weather! We have been in the water and loving it! Thank you friends who let us use your pools! I thought this year might be a lot of work taking all three kids swimming, but they all love the water and it’s been pretty easy and so fun.
By the way, I highly recommend Puddle Jumpers from Target. Jack and Violet are wearing them. They are kind of like life jackets but not as big and have arm bands attached. It keeps them up out of the water and in a swimming position. So handy.
Hello DETERMINED little girl who jumped off the diving board over and over and over.
She has no fear. At all. Not good.
Hope you all have a great week!
I’m saying hello with Lisa today.