Ok, so…my art studio. We are finally starting to work on it.
Words can’t adequately describe how excited I am about this. For real. I. AM. STOKED.
The space we are using is attached to our house. It is an efficiency apartment that we have been renting out for the past 4 or 5 years. It connects to our family room through a door that we had closed off. The apartment has been a great source of extra income, but it was time for us to use the space.
It really is ideal for what I need. It has a small bathroom, a closet, and another closet with a sink that will be perfect for cleaning paint brushes.
Want a little tour? Here you go…
The other day husband knocked down the wall that separated the kitchen area from the bedroom area. Now it’s all one big open space.
And here’s what it looks like now…
Makes me kinda tired just thinking about all the work we’ll be doing to get the space ready.
:: clean like crazy
:: paint ceiling & walls
:: paint floors and do a stencil treatment
:: paint cabinets
:: install new windows
I’ll be keeping the kitchen cabinets and using them for storage for my supplies but moving the cabinets to go against the back wall. Husband will build me an island and some portable easels.
This room will also be a playroom for the kids, so I have some fun ideas in mind for that part of the space. And also a cozy seating area to hang out in.
I’ll keep you updated as we do the renovations!
Another renovation is on tap for this weekend. I’m helping my sister Sara, along with my sister-in-laws and mom, re-do her coffee shop. Lots of painting in store for my immediate future!! Wish me luck!!