Last week husband came home a showed me a picture on his phone. “Should I pick it up?” he asked. “YES.” I said. And he went right out the door and brought this home.
I know it’s ugly, but I was so proud that hubs saw the potential in it. It was setting along the side of the road for free, so the price was perfect. It is a small wardrobe with four drawers and a spot for hanging clothes. It was painted dark purple and obviously needed some work.
I cleaned it up, painted it with a white primer, and painted it black. Then I sanded it heavily, allowing the white primer underneath to show through. It looks a bit like chalkboard paint.
Here it is now in Jack’s room…
I found the drawer pulls on clearance for $1 at the hardware store. They were brassy gold, so I spray painted them white, and sanded them a bit. I used a stencil to paint the numbers onto the drawers.
I found this metal stool last week at Goodwill and just loved everything about it. It HAD to go home with me.
While we were changing things around in Jack’s room, I decided to take the crib out of Violet’s room and put in this vintage crib-turned daybed. Since she had been able to get out of her crib for months (the girl is obsessed with climbing), I thought she was ready to be in a “big girl bed”.
I bought this iron crib at a yard sale a few years ago. Although I really didn’t need it, there was something about it that I just couldn’t resist. And Violet is loving it. I just left the one side off the crib, which turned it into a daybed.
Here it is in her room…
I still need to hang her curtains, so excuse the windows. Her room is so cozy – I just love snuggling in there with her.
I’m now working on an old wardrobe that I found at Goodwill for our bedroom. I hadn’t painted furniture for a while, so I’m getting my fill of it this week!