Meet my newest painting assistant.
Her name is Violet and she wears hair clips and rocks bare feet like it’s nobody’s business.
Her lack of attention to detail is stunning.
What she lacks in gracefulness and talent, she more than makes up for in hilarity and somewhat determined helpfulness.
I love her.
So, Happy New Years, my friends! Are you into making resolutions? I have to admit – I have NEVER made a New Year’s resolution in my life. I refuse. And it’s not because I have some noble reason not to. It’s because I’m stubborn and don’t like to do things just because it’s what you’re supposed to do. Call me weird, I know.
However, I do LOVE the thought of a fresh, new year. Full of possibilities and newness and hope. Honestly, I’ve been secretly looking forward to January since the Christmas rush started. In the past week I’ve been re-evaluating things about my business, thinking about how to organize our household better, things like that. It is so good to take time to think about how to make things work more smoothly. I don’t take enough time to do that throughout the year.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years – here’s to an amazing year ahead!
By the way, I’m now on Instagram and you can follow me @aimeesweaver. See you over there!