My new friend Shelly asked me to decorate the craft room/homeschool room in her beautiful new home. I had so much fun coming up with ideas for the space.
Here are some “before” pics…
And here’s what I added to the space…
I printed these free alphabet printables and placed them on the wall inside these frames that I got from a shop that was closing. It was an easy and very inexpensive way to add some color and whimsy to the space.
I made the chalkboard out of an old picture frame by painting chalkboard paint on the glass. I bought various wood letters to create “Read” and painted them all the same blue/green color. The map canvas came from Target.
The room still needs some comfy furniture to fill up the space, but it looks a bit brighter and has more personality now than it originally did.
And just because I happen to LOVE her house, I wanted to share some more pictures that I snapped on the day I was decorating. Here is her AMAAAAZING mudroom…
And her dining room…
Here are a few inspiration pictures from my studio/playroom inspiration board on Pinterest that helped to give me ideas for the space…