There is a lot of kid-chasing, screaming, and laughing that goes on in this house.
Want to put a swimsuit on and pretend we’re at the beach? Why not.
Pretties around the house that make me smile. It’s not perfect, but that’s just fine.
Girls’ rooms…
This makes me want to go upstairs and crawl into bed for a nap.
Graphic shade that pops in the kitchen. I painted the stripes on the shade. When you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for, just paint it. That’s my theory, if you haven’t noticed.
Art supplies full of COLOR.
Roses delivered to the door from my Valentine.
Puzzles in the kitchen while mama cooks supper.
Messy, happy kids (most of the time). Dirty floors. Lots of work to be done.
So that’s what’s going on in our house right now. What’s going on in yours today?