Summer has been good to us. It hasn’t necessarily been laid-back or without lots of work to do. But it’s been really good. Violet is my “helper” (huge quotation marks around that one) and likes to be by my side most of the day.
Summer has included catching fireflies, birds, and baby grasshoppers.
We are outside most of the day, in the 90 degree humidity, but the kids don’t seem to mind too much.
The land in which we live is filled with corn fields, rolling hills, lots of trees and farms and greenery. I happen to think it’s beautiful. The beauty of Pennsylvania in the summer.
And we got to see a fresh new baby last weekend. My new nephew Asher Reid. A head full of dark hair and so much cuteness.
Violet was in love.
Summer is just flying by and I’m trying my best to make it STOP. Although I’m sure I’ll be ready to get back to the routine that fall brings. I LOVE that we live in an area where we have four seasons, each different and beautiful in their own way.