Hello Monday!
Hello cool, crisp autumn air that I’m not quite used to yet.
Hello gearing up for the rush of holiday sign orders.
Hello apple cider (this kind is my fav) and all things pumpkin-flavored.
Hello fondue! I haven’t gotten out my fondue pot since the late ’90’s, but a few weeks ago we had a fondue dinner with dear friends and it was SO MUCH FUN!! So I planned a little fondue party at our house with my sister and brother and sister-in-law. The adults had a relaxing dinner while the kidlets hunkered down in the studio with movies and plenty of snacks. It worked out perfectly!
Avery helped me get the table ready (my favorite part), and we decorated with pine cones that I dipped in paint, mason jars, and leaves from the front yard.
We started with a cheese course, then moved on to the entree course, then a dessert course with dipping chocolate. Here is the menu and the recipes I used in case you want to have your own fondue party (I highly recommend it). I borrowed a friend’s electric fondue pot and used it for the cheese and entree courses, then used my fondue pot for the dessert.
Cheese Course:
I used this recipe for the cheese. You need to be very careful when melting the cheese so that it stays creamy and smooth. Our dippers were broccoli, cauliflower, French bread and Granny Smith Apples.
Entree Course:
I used this recipe for the broth. We had bite-size sirloin, chicken, shrimp, and mushrooms as dippers.
Dessert Course:
I used this recipe for the chocolate. Dippers included strawberries, pineapples, pound cake, bananas, and pretzel sticks.
So, so delish. You need to try it!
Hello to having a great week!