I’ve always been fascinated by hardware stores. And my dad’s wood shop. And tools. And how engineers figure out how to make tunnels under water, and how the internet works, and airplanes, and why yeast makes bread rise. But, I digress.

Every year over the Thanksgiving weekend, the girls in my family have a craft day at our house. We start with brunch, then plow right into crafting. Everyone brings their own ideas and supplies, and we get to work. It’s always so much fun.

This year I decided to make some necklaces out of supplies that I found at the hardware store.

craft necklaces Collage

craft necklacea4

The first necklace was made from metal corner braces, and I got the idea from this girl’s blog.


:: 4 gold corner braces

:: 2 silver corner braces

:: Long chain

Basically, you just stack the brackets on top of each other, then thread the chain through the holes. It’s really so easy.

craft necklacea3

craft necklaceb2

And for the other necklace, I used two metal brackets that I spray painted in two shades of blue.


:: 2 metal brackets, painted (or you could let them unpainted)

:: Long chain

:: 6 jump rings

This is pretty self-explanatory, but you put the jump rings in the holes and attach pieces of chain to them. You cut the chain using wire cutters.

The younger girls made these amazing necklaces out of beads. They were pretty time-consuming but looked awesome. You can find a tutorial here.



My sisters-in-law made coasters out of tiles. They just modpodged scrapbook paper onto the tiles, and they looked awesome!


And my mom taught my cousin Miriam how to knit. So fun!


So, there you have it. 2013 Craft Day was a success!

Aimee Weaver
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