How about some randomness on a snowy Monday morning? Here are a few things I’ve been pinning recently…
This pasta dish is so incredibly yummy. My friend Sheila made it for us, and I may or may not have had seconds, then thirds, then fourths (It is true. You can ask her).
I try to make fish as much as I can because my kids happen to love it, and this is a great recipe. I’ve made it a few times in the past month.
Parmesan Tilapia
I LOVED this idea for a girlie birthday party! I bet that doesn’t surprise you. Artist palettes as plates? Ingenious!
And because I’ve been spending so much time in the studio lately, I’ve been wanting to change it up a bit and have been looking for ideas.
And, finally, it took me about 30 years until I truly learned this and it has been incredibly freeing…
Have a great week, friends!